Monday, January 26, 2009

"Brahmin" guys.

In recent times, a lot of youngsters r opting for an inter-caste or inter-religion marriage. Thats bcos they fall in love with a guy/girl out of their caste or religion. Its each one's personal choice. They r ready to make compromises and they r so much in love with the person tat caste or religion doesnt matter. Each individual has his/her own opinion abt tis. V cant generalise saying its wrong or its right. It may be wrong for me but right for someone else. All tis is fine. I have come across a few ppl who quote other reasons for marrying a person out of their caste/religion. Below is an excerpt from a known person's blog. I dont want to mention her name.

''I might have found a Brahmin boy but he will NEVER find me :P. Seeing the way the men in my "brahmin" family treat the women, no thanks. Really. I can't wait for my husband to come home from work while I either don't go to work or come home early and cook. Just when I start to think "AAAh, I can eat the food I made", PSYCHE! I can't. I have to wait for him to come home and I have to wait for him to finish his dinner while I serve him. And if he is especially very hungry that day, I might just have no food left to feed my poor tummy."

Why does she have to talk rubbish abt her own "brahmin" community guys ? How many "Brahmin" guys treat their wives like tis ? She fell in love with a christian guy and decided to marry him. Fine, good for her. She married her love. Isnt it really stupid to put the blame on the "brahmin" guys and their attitude towards their wives for her to opt for a christian guy ? Its absurd. For tat matter, a lot of men (irrespective of the religion or caste they belong to) still treat their wives badly. She found a guy out of her religion. Y cant she boldly say i fell in love with him and am gonna marry him and his religion doesnt matter ? Y shd there be unnecessary things being spoken abt "brahmin" boys ? A lot of women/men who opt for inter caste/inter-religion marriage say unreal things abt their own community. They rnt brave enough to accept tat they fell in love with an inter-caste/inter-religion guy/girl and tats the reason for marrying out of caste/religion. Y tis unnecessary fallacy abt their own community guys/girls ?
A lot of "brahmin" guys also blame "brahmin" girls for opting to an inter-caste/inter-religion marriage. Am not a pro-brahmin and anti-non brahmin or something. I respect all religions and castes. According to me, all human beings r equal. Religion and caste r just 2 ways of differentiating ppl based on their religious beliefs, food habits, culture etc. Its not rite to blame guys/girls of a particular caste/religion for a person to opt for an inter-caste/inter-religion marriage.

Slumdog Millionaire..

Wow ! Superb movie ! Very different movie. I dono how our indian film directors dint get the idea of making a movie on slum kids, how they lead their lives in slum. A british director has done it but some of us rnt able to accept it. So there s lot of opposition,criticism and controversy abt tis. What s wrong if a foreigner makes a film abt our slums ? He hasnt shown anything which is unreal. He has come out with the actual fact tat Ppl in slum r happy though they r poor and underprivileged. They r happy with their way of life. They rnt longing to become rich.Y rnt v seeing the positives aspects of the film ? The movie is abt how a slum kid makes it big in life. Its abt positive and never-say-die attitude and has proved tat nothing is impossible in life. Though india is on its way to join the group of developed countries, v cannot deny the fact tat in india, the rich is becoming richer and the poor is poorer.
How many films these days focus on real day-to-day issues ? Most of our recent movies r vulgar and pure masala movies (though there is also a lot of good movies being made). The heroine is just a glamdoll and her only job in the movie wld be to romance with the hero and show to her skin. She is there only for the oomph factor. None of us seem to be bothered abt tis but v r always ready to create some controversy abt good movies like SM. When v r not voicing our opposition abt senseless movies which cld instigate our young minds to do wrong things, y shd v create unnecessary controversy abt good films ?

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Finally, I have started blogging. It has been one of my wishes. I have always wanted to let out my feelings on various issues. Best way to do it is blogging. I just couldn't find time to start a blog. Am very happy that I have finally created my blog. Am a blogger now. Yippee ! :)